8 Secrets of Professional Writers For Students To Improve Their English Writing Skill In No Time

A recent news article has cited that a lot of senior high school students in the Philippines today are lagging behind in their English writing skills. This would be a handicap for them as they choose their college degree and their future career. Papers for submission in advance college subjects and at work, are mostly written in English.

This could be fixed by students themselves inside the comfort of their own homes which is suited for the "new normal", and with the help of their parents. It only takes initiative, habit and simple tools. And it is much easier today, because of the tons of reading materials found on the internet, unlike thirty years ago. Lastly, it would be much easier if students knew exactly the secrets of seasoned writers.

If you're a student and desperate to ace those high marks in your writing assignments or anxious parents who want their children's writing skill to improve, don't miss the chance now, simply read on. The secrets are actually quite easy.

8 Secrets of Professional Writers You As a Student Can Use.

1. Read a Lot of Meaningful Written English Materials

Accomplished writers were definitely voracious readers when they were young. Reading became a habit to them until adulthood. Reading feeds the mind. Readers absorb the writers' thoughts and style. There are so many reading materials you can easily get your hands on, like newspapers, books and online articles. Parents can help reinforce the reading habit.

2. Google the Meaning of Unfamiliar Words

Look up the meaning of unfamiliar words while reading. This is an effective and easy way to build your vocabulary, which is described as the body of words known by an individual. A wide vocabulary can enhance your writing.

Expert writers have a wide vocabulary to make writing easier. It is their tool for writing. They can easily pull up from their minds appropriate words to help express their thoughts in writing. Understanding the meaning; the opposite; and even the origin of English words can build a good foundation for good writing. Building your vocabulary is easy - just Google it.

3. Read Articles on English Grammar Rules

There are systems and structure in English writing. It will help you to decide the order in which you write your words in English, and how it is written. Try to understand the five principles of grammar: word order; punctuation; tense and aspect; determiners; and connectors. It'll guide you how to write English.

Grammar rules are like templates that you can easily follow. Know those rules well and your writing will greatly improve. Don't worry, there are so many references found in the internet.

4. Plan Your Writing

To expect positive output from your writing, planning is important. You need a plan before putting words on paper or your writing will go in different directions. The plan includes the topic to write. It is followed by an outline. In order for the outline to be useful it should have a title, introduction, body and conclusion. All of those should be tight and interrelated.

5. Start Writing Your Draft

Finally, sit-down, pull-up your sleeves and start writing. The secret to writing a draft is to put down your thoughts immediately in writing. Do not be conscious of grammar at first during the first draft but be guided by the title and outline. Continue capturing and write down your fleeting thoughts. Keep in mind always: "Write to express and not to impress." As much as possible, write short and simple sentences and string it together to form a paragraph. You as students can practice writing daily personal journals in English to build your confidence and the habit of writing.

6. Set Aside Your Draft

Don't try to force yourself to finish writing your first draft in one sitting. Set it aside and allow what you have written to rest in your mind for awhile. Let it simmer to release the magic before your revision. Seasoned writers describe this as "rumination."

7. Revise Your Draft

Go back to what you've written. This is the time to make changes, and it also the time to correct wrong grammar. It is important to look at your draft with fresh eyes. When you've allowed the first draft to sit in your mind, new ideas will magically come up. The shocking truth is, professional writers frequently revise their work.

8. Read your Work Aloud

After you've made your revisions, try to read your written work aloud. If any sentence sounds funny or it doesn't seem right make the necessary changes.

Reading aloud is a feedback mechanism for self-review of your work before showing it to the world. It is similar to the painter who looks at his or her artwork again and make final touches here and there until it becomes a masterpiece.

Another top secret of professional writers, but is used only when extremely needed, is to ask for help from others that can help them to greatly improve their writing. You can resort to this if you will find it absolutely necessary.

A bright future await high school students who are willing to master the skill of English writing. The tools are now accessible at the tip of their fingers, which make them luckier than their counterparts decades ago. But what is important is that it takes initiative, habit, right steps and, of course, loving support from their parents to finish those term papers and reports in a jiffy.

Feel free to share this blog post if you think that it will help your friends and other students to improve their English writing skills. But if you need help on this just message me and will be glad to help.
