Mary's Contribution To Christmas

Christmas day is just around the corner. It's the time of gift-giving and being with family and friends. Though the pandemic has limited the enjoyment of that special day, we find ways to celebrate it despite the prevailing situation.

For Christians all over the world, Christmas day is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. It is a celebration of hope. It also reminds us of God's unconditional love by offering a sure-fire way to finally redeem mankind from sin once and for all. That is through his son Jesus.

We all know that God sent his son to be with us and to show us the way to redemption. Matthew wrote in one of the verses in his gospel (Matthew  1:22) about a fulfillment of a prophecy of a virgin who will be with a child and will give birth to a son and they will call him Immanuel - which means "God with us."

Matthew mentioned a virgin who is Mary the mother of Jesus. She played a big part in our redemption and our Christmas day celebration today. If she had turned down that part, we would not be celebrating Christmas today.

It must have been difficult for her when the angel Gabriel paid her a visit and he broke the news that she is with a child. That's were her worries started.

Luke, one of the gospel writers, narrated Gabriel's visit and Mary's reaction. In the following verses of Luke 1:29-33, he wrote that, "Mary was greatly troubled at his (Gabriel) words and wondered what kind of greeting that might be." The angel Gabriel said to her, "Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favor with God. You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name of Jesus. He will be great and will be called of Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob for ever; his kingdom will never end."

When Gabriel broke the news to Mary, she obviously had several major concerns. First, she certainly wondered how can she conceive a child when she had not been with a man, so to speak. 

Second, she was to be married to Joseph and it would be impossible to explain to him how she got pregnant when they haven't been together. Joseph would surely react negatively.

Third, if Joseph would reject her as his wife, she would be left alone to bear his son Jesus, give birth to him and raise him amid the stigma which she would carry for life.  That is, if she would survive the stigma. During her time, such scandals were treated harshly.

Angel Gabriel answered Mary's first concern. He told her that she had conceived through the power of the Holy Spirit. For her second concern, an angel visited her future husband, Joseph, and told him that Mary conceived her son through the Holy Spirit. That answers Mary's second concern and that will make it easier for her to explain everything to Joseph. 

In that same dream, the angel told Joseph to take Mary home as his wife. Earlier Joseph was planning to divorce Mary quietly but he did what the angel told him in his dream. That answers Mary's third concern.

God had Mary's back. He would not leave her alone to fend for herself and the unborn child Jesus. Everything was taken cared of. Although, God's plan was in motion, it still needed Mary's consent. Remember, God gave everyone the free will to choose.

Gabriel offered further proof to convince Mary. He told her that Elizabeth, a relative who is childless, barren and quite old, will conceive a child. That child was John the Baptist. 

Gabriel confidently told Mary that nothing is impossible with God. Perhaps, Mary was convinced but in succeeding verses in Luke's account it would indicate that she needed to confirm that. 

After Gabriel had said everything, Mary said, "I am the Lord's servant," she added, "May it be to me as you have said." Her reply was a leap of faith.

More likely, in the succeeding days after the angel's visit, everything became clearer to Mary. Perhaps, she had talked to Joseph about her experience and Joseph talked about his experience and his decision. Later, Mary visited her relative Elizabeth and was further convinced that what the angel was saying is true.

Mary's song (Luke 1 : 46-55), in the gospel of Luke, of wholeheartedly accepting the role that God gave her shows that she is quite familiar with the Jewish history of salvation which points to the coming of a savior. She seemed well-versed with her peoples' uneasy salvation because of the sin.

Mary had pieced everything together and began to see clearly her role in the salvation of mankind from sin by bringing Jesus, his son, into the world. His son would be the sure-fire way to salvation for mankind. Her initial leap of faith had solidified into a firm commitment.

Amid the Covid-19 pandemic which is either subdued or raging in different parts of the world, we all need hope. Christmas is the season of hope. Jesus Christ gives hope to everyone. 

That hope, renewed every Christmas day, was possible through God's servant, Mary. Let's appreciate her, this Christmas season, for her willingness to go along with God's plan of hope for everyone. 
