Immaculate Conception of Mary

In the Catholic tradition, we celebrate the Immaculate Conception of Mary every year on December 8. That yearly celebration reminds us that Mary was conceived without sin. Though Mary had ordinary human parents who conceived her in the usual way, God had already redeemed Mary from original sin the moment her parents conceived her.  

That kind of redemption from original sin that Mary had is the same kind of redemption that Jesus would giving to everyone when he grew up to be a man. Mary had received it earlier because she would be playing the crucial role as the biological mother of God. In Luke 1: 26 -28, the verses strongly suggest that Mary had received that kind of redemption ahead of time.

As a Catholic myself, I have mistakenly thought that the Immaculate Conception celebration was about Mary's conception and virgin birth of Jesus. I have studied in Catholic schools in my young life and I guess I did not pay attention when that doctrine was being taught during Religion classes. It's an old Catholic Church doctrine proclaimed by Pope Pius IX in 1854. Anyway, thanks to credible online sources that provided clarity to that misconception which I held for years. 

The tons of arguments to this doctrine had been resolved by our church fathers more than a hundred years ago and for sure the Holy Spirit has inspired that idea. Mary herself had given proof to that idea during her apparition in Lourdes, France in 1858.  She introduced herself as the "Immaculate Conception" to a 14-year old shepherd girl named Bernadette Soubirous.

If we think about it in practical sense, the Immaculate Conception idea makes perfect sense. In our homes for example, if we are going to prepare and serve bread or any kind of food to family, friends and guests, it should be served in clean containers. It would be disgusting to anyone, if we serve bread or food in a unwashed containers with traces of dirt and food from past meals.

During Jesus' earthly ministry, he claimed that he is the bread of life that will provide nourishment to our soul (John 6:35).  The bread that he was referring to is not the edible kind of bread, but the spiritual bread that offers spiritual renewal towards salvation.

Following the practical example, Mary conceived Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit. Mary served as the container, so to speak, for Jesus to come into this world, be with mankind and to offer salvation. Mary had to be free from original sin else the bread of life that Jesus is offering would be contaminated from sin and would not be fit to feed our souls.
