Improve Your Emotional Intelligence

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to irritate you and you're finding it hard to control your emotions? You keep asking yourself questions as to why a person ticks you off like: Why does he act this way? What was he thinking? That's not a good situation to be in, especially in the workplace and you're the manager. It can also be the same as your family members. In cases like this, it pays to know more about emotional intelligence to help you out in those kinds of situations. People would probably wonder about emotional intelligence if they were born with or can they learn it. Some people, though, do have the knack to control their emotions and use them to their benefit. However, there are a lot of instances where we seem to lose it with someone; and afterward felt bad and wished that we had responded differently. Online references say that emotional intelligence, "is the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one's emotions, and...