Philippine Territory claimed by China

A hot topic today is China’s encroachment of Philippine  territory.  This has been going on for quite a while and now it is getting to be serious.  China recently established a municipality with a duly elected mayor.  This is just a few nautical miles away from us.

A metaphor can best describe this encroachment.  It's like a distant neighbor who sets up his home right on our own backyard without any forewarning.  Then (he) shrugs it off when we complain and we can't do anything about it.

Unfortunately the Philippines (my country) seems incapable of dealing with this issue head on.  It is simply because China is strong and mighty compared to our country, small and weak.  The Philippines' Department of Foreign Affairs, from news reports, has filed countless diplomatic protest through formal diplomatic channels but apparently ignored by China. 

The only option the Philippines has right now regarding this issue is to rely heavily on its staunchest ally- the United States of America.  However, for economic and political reasons, the Philippine's ally might approach this matter gingerly, as if walking on egg shells and would resort to saber-rattling as a last recourse.  

The other option for our country (Philippines)  on this issue is to open the eyes of other nations of the world through astute diplomacy and influence them to rally behind our cause and condemn China for its action.   For the moment, our own saber-rattling is not an option.

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