Access Selling

Access selling is a selling strategy as well as a technique that is used to get in front of the right person to sell to. By the word itself, it is about opening new accounts or talking to a prospect. This sales activity is mostly applied to opening new accounts. This part of the selling process comes after the prospective customer is a qualified lead and has sales potential. This is selling activity is aimed at people inside a company that has the authority to buy from companies. Initially, access selling starts at the gatekeepers. For gatekeepers, it is their job to keep people especially salespeople out of the company premises. Therefore it would require a different approach apart from the selling process and skill as well. Gatekeepers can also be the secretary or assistant of a decision-maker or influencers. Once a salesperson gets past the gatekeepers, the next step is to get in front of the decision-makers and influencers. A...