Joseph the Father of Jesus

Joseph the husband of Mary and the father of Jesus played an important part in our redemption from sin. Perhaps, if Joseph had been an unwilling participant, our redemption from sin through Jesus Christ would not be possible. 

Although, there were few accounts about him, Matthew, one of the gospel writers, shared some insights about Joseph's background, character, and circumatances.

Joseph came from the lineage of David. Actually, his ancestry goes all the way back to Abraham. Matthew wrote in detail the genealogy of Joseph (Matthew 1: 1-16). 

Because of his ancestry, we can conclude that he is pious in the Jewish faith. He surely knows the  scriptures and perhaps he was aware of the prophecy about a savior.

When unsettling events started happening in his life, Joseph could have pieced together the fulfillment of the prophecies in the scriptures about Jesus. He probably sensed that he had a role to play in that prophecy. 

His suspicions about the prophecy could have been strengthened by the angel's visit in his dreams. The picture became clearer when events between him and Mary coincided with the angel's messages to him in his dreams. His ancestry strengthens his part in the prophecy. He could have concluded it himself.

The second dream from the angel warning them to escape to Egypt convinced him all the more to be the father to Jesus since it came out true and the tip from the angel spared them from harm. That could have fortified his decision to become the father to Jesus all the way.

Based on Matthew's account, Joseph's role in our salvation started when he was about to marry Mary. He learned that his future wife was already carrying a child in her womb even before they had been together, so to speak. Instead of leaving Mary to face her scandal alone, Joseph decided to push through with the marriage and later divorce Mary quietly. 

When he had already decided on that, an angel appeared in his dream and told him that the baby Mary was carrying was conceived by the Holy Spirit. The angel further said to him to name the child Jesus. The child will one day grow up and redeem mankind from sin.

Joseph was a considerate man. Matthew described that about him when he was planning his next move about Mary (Matthew 1: 19). He did not want Mary to experience public shame. He did not let his male ego dictate his emotions and decisions. He was a gentleman and he did the right thing.

Joseph faced a tough situation when he decided to push through with his marriage and stood as the father of Jesus. There was that possibility that if word got out about Mary's pregnancy,  he too will face the same public ridicule. 

Despite that dilemma, he decided to push through with his marriage to Mary to eventually become the father to Jesus. Joseph had resolved to start his own family.

Families at one point in time experience crisis. No family is spared from it. Joseph's young family which includes his wife Mary and his baby (Jesus) experienced two major crisis. 

The first crisis is the prospect of public shaming. It was tough situation to be in during that period. Mary and Jesus could have been hurt emotionally, mentally and even physically by that crisis if Joseph had abandoned them both.

The second crisis, a more serious life-threatening crisis, was when Jesus was born in the Bethlehem. Herod, the king of Israel at the time of  Jesus' birth was paranoid about a prophecy of a king being born in his time. He thought that that child will replace him as king. He ordered his soldiers to hunt down the baby Jesus and kill him. 

Fortunately, Joseph had helped from an angel.  His family was able to flee to Egypt to escape Herod's murderous wrath. Joseph protected his family by heeding the warning and by acting promptly.

The father is considered the head of the family. Joseph, as the father, stood as the head and provided the needed sense of security to his wife and the baby. 

He displayed courage when his family faced the two major crises. He did not abandon Mary and Jesus in those crises. He had become a source of hope for his family.

Families today continue to experience the biggest crisis of all - which is the Covid-19 pandemic. The face of courage and hope can come from the head of the family - the father.  The father can infect his family members with courage and hope even as the pandemic continues to rage on.

As a father myself, I draw inspiration from Joseph's courage when he faced up to his family's crises. Because of what Joseph did, I am able to draw courage upon his legacy - his son Jesus. 

With his example and legacy, I will able to infect my family with courage and the sense of hope. Our families need them in these trying times. 

Also, I'm confident because I know that I will have lots of help. Remember, Joseph had help when his family was in a tight spot.


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