How to Sell to Modern Trade in the Philippines

MB Fonollera, author

Revised 05/02/2019

I saw a former colleague of mine at the Puregold headquarters located at the Tabacalera compound in Manila.  She was happy to see me and we updated each other on what's going on with our respective jobs and companies. She also asked me when will my book be published.  She earlier requested to have a copy. Another former office mate of mine was also asking when the book will come out because he'd like to get one.  That was way back in May 2017, I know both of them were already excited to get a copy.  But unfortunately, it took some time for the book to be finally published.

Anyways to provide an idea about my book entitled "How to Sell to Modern Trade in the Philippines" now hot off the press, I'd like to share with you that the book has a total of 15 chapters. Parts of the book covers modern trade retailers operation; operations of vendors to modern trade; and the future of selling to modern trade.  It is packed with valuable information that is mostly experiential and supported by industry-specific selling concepts and best-practices of companies selling to modern trade in the Philippines.

Chapter 1 of the book starts out with the evolution of Philippine Modern Trade.  I did some research but not quite extensively.  Why? It is simply because I grew up in the '60s.  I was a teenager in the '70s. I became an adult joining the workforce as a salesperson in the 80's.  In the early '90s, I started working in sales in the FMCG industry up until now.  Needless to say, I saw with my own eyes the evolution of modern trade in the Philippines.

I decided to include the evolution of modern trade in Chapter 1 because the past will somehow provide a glimpse of the future. I've also included local events that shaped the Philippine modern trade channel. For example, the passing of the Philippine Retail Trade Liberalization act in the year 2000 became a catalyst in propelling the growth of local modern trade, although it was not as expected to really quite open up local retail to global retailers. The other events too would provide glimpses into the future and hope that it will guide business owners of companies in various sizes on how they intend to continue selling to these retailers profitably.

For those involved in FMCG sales and marketing, especially the younger generation, they will get to appreciate and understand the roots of this channel. What's more, now that the book is out, the younger generation will get to know the modern trade channel just by reading it and won't have to spend about twenty-five years of their life trying to understand it. This will save them the trouble and will be a big help for younger folks involved in FMCG sales and marketing.

There are other interesting topics not only in chapter 1 but also in other chapters starting from chapter 2 until chapter 15.  All of these are available in my book which is now hot of the press this January 2019.  The book is published and distributed by PowerSkills .  Buyers of the book can place their orders with my publisher.


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