Decoding Philippine Millennials

There has been a lot of talk about "Millenials."  They say that this demographic generation is about to make waves all over the world come the year 2020. Why is that so?  The older generations find it hard to understand them.  They're somewhat the misunderstood generation from their point of view.

I was browsing online and chanced upon an article about "Millenials".  I got curious so I search for other related articles which really got me hooked for a bit. Anyways, "millennials" are also known as Millennial Generation, Generation Y, or Gen Y. By the year 2020 half of the workforce worldwide will be composed of Millenials; and by 2030 it will go up to 75%.  That is one generation to look out for. Those events will re-define how institutions worldwide will function.

Demographers (people arguing about the generations) say that the Millenials were born between 1980 up to 2000. It's still not definite and time will finally define the "Gen Y" age range.

But what are they up to these days? They're the generation that has embraced the internet and what dizzying permutations of "whatever" it has spawned. They're the social media generation.

I've got 3 kids, 2 sons-in-law, hordes of nieces and nephews, who belong to the millennial generation, so I'm going to attempt defining these "millennials" using brief, twitter-like verses as my way of millennial decryption.

This is just a shortlist:

#selfie junkies (said to be narcissistic and described as the "me" generation)

#gaga over gadgets like smartphones, iPads, laptops

#googles everything under the sun

#TV & YouTube watchers

#comfy with  the net

#social media top users - FB, Twitter, Instagram, etc


#pouring their hearts out (oftentimes rant) in social media - life, family, work, situations, relationships, politics (haha, hmpff!)

#social media political influencers and influencee

#online bargain hunters

#virtual stores and brick and mortar stores big spenders

#food porn proliferators

#travel junkies

#the hashtag generation

#click generation

#more visual over the content

#short attention span prefers e-reading over book reading

#grandparents and parents' impatient teachers about internet, social media and apps

#tries Grab and Uber riders and Waze their way to their destination

#pinglish word coiners

#acronym comm skills(like LOL, ATM, etc,)

#multi taskers - browsing, listening, talking (I doubt the listening part, they will respond better thru FB comments)

Currently, one-third of the Philippine population is composed of millennials. They are either in college or already part of the work-force.  Businesses are already reshaping their business models to "woo" millennials.  It is the generation to watch out for because of its potential.

We have our own breed of Philippine millennials and they are now being referred to as "Fillennials." Watch out GenXers they are the future of our nation.

Comments about this post whether good or bad are appreciated especially from the "Millennials."


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