
I will be turning 50 before the  end of this year, and what better way to usher in my golden boy status is becoming a bonafide grandfather.  I now have a grandson, his name is Samien. He was born on April 25, 2012. His parents say that the name means "to be heard".  I guess their choice was right because when Samien cries, he is really heard by everybody.

I noticed remarkable things in Samien.  While just a new born, he showed to us that he has strong legs and arms.  He can push himself upwards in the crib and was tireless in raising his small arms every  now and then.  Also, he is not the quiet type because he always cries and laughs unlike other babies inside the nursery who are peacefully asleep.  At three months old, he speaks amusing although unintelligible syllables.  Also, at three months, he is rather long for babies his age and quite heavy for a three month old baby.  He weighed in at 5 kilogram during his visit to his pediatrician.

Samien, quite surprisingly,has already developed his own morning routine.  Around 6:00 am, he can be heard chatting out loud to whoever he is with either his father or mother.  Later, when he comes down from his room, he chats (although gibberish),smiles and looks at everyone in the house with his cute round eyes.  He is passed around like a ball to his grandmother, his uncle, father and mother, and of course, his grandfather.  Then late in the morning at around 8:00 am to 9:00 am he looks forward to his bath time with gusto, you can see his excitement building up when he is inside his bath tub.  He is smiling and wriggling a lot.  After his bath he feeds on either breast milk or bottle fed milk.  After finishing his so-called late breakfast he becomes a little bit cranky and begins to suck on his fist or his thumb.  Samien is already sleepy at this stage.  His choice of sleeping position may either in his baby carriage facing the door because of the cool morning breeze or upstairs in our bed.

These are the things, I noticed with Samien, and these are the things that bring a smile on my face, his proud and doting grandfather@50.  As I look back, I also felt happy when I experienced the birth of my children.  It is kind of a parental instinctive happiness which I have no words to describe.  Now with Samien, I also feel happy, but a different kind of happines.  I can probably define it as a grandparent's instinctive happiness for his grandchild. Now that I am turning 50, which is December 27 by the way, I often ponder that time and life seems short.  But that thought has changed because I have my grandson, who has given me that fresh perspective that time and life is limitless because he has become my bridge to eternity.

Not only that, I will have two bridges to eternity.  Amber Sky, my granddaughter, will be coming very soon.
I'm sure she will be smiling, crying and kicking.  Now that's what I would say a really "big fat bonus" for me!  Yipee!


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